CI’s Homecoming King and Queen

Seniors Kelvin Santacruz and Deija Parker are crowned homecoming royalty.


Kelvin Santacruz

Not a lot of people can say that they ran for Homecoming Prince their freshman year, ran for Homecoming King their senior year, and won both years. In Kelvin Santacruz’s case, that’s exactly what he accomplished.

Santacruz was crowned as Channel Islands’ Homecoming King this year.

“Knowing I can accomplish this two times feels amazing,” Santacruz said. “It definitely made my high school experience fun.”

Santacruz is involved in many clubs on campus, among those being Mock Trial, of which he is the president.

Mock Trial is a zero-period class and club in which students portray an attorney, witness, bailiff, or other person in the courtroom in a simulation of a trial.

Every week, the team practices for the annual county-wide Mock Trial competition, which takes place every February.

In addition, Santacruz is the secretary of Raiders for Animals Rights, treasurer of Key Club, Sports Commissioner of Associated Student Body (ASB), captain of varsity track and field, and president of Youth Directors Council (YDC).

“YDC offers a lot of opportunities to volunteer,” Santacruz said, “so I’m always busy with that.”

If Santacruz could go back in time, he would tell his sophomore self that everything will be OK and that senior year will be full of accomplishments.

Santacruz is a determined, hard-working Raider – if you set a challenge for him, he will do the best that he can.

After high school, Santacruz plans to attend a 4-year university and major in political science.


Deija Parker

If you haven’t met Deija Parker, what are you doing?

Parker is confident and hilarious – if you’re having a bad day, just be around Parker and she’ll make you laugh so hard that you’ll have a six-pack the next day.

Parker was granted the title of Homecoming Queen at Channel Islands in October.

“I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for Martin Luther King, so thank you, chocolate man,” Parker said.

Parker wanted to thank everyone who voted for her. When Parker found out that she was voted Homecoming Queen, she felt like she won the lottery.

Parker has been involved in the Marine Science Academy (MSA) for three years now. Her favorite classes are with Mr. Haynes and Mrs. Harrell.

“I feel like Bill Nye the Science Guy when I’m in the MSA classes. We go on really fun field trips and it made my high school experience ten times better,” Parker said.

She is also part of the CI Live team.

If Parker could go back in time to talk to her younger self, she would say, “Be wiser with your fashion choices.”

If Parker could travel anywhere in the world, she would go to Barbados so she can have a drink out of a coconut.

Parker began her time at CI her sophomore year, and since then, she has not been afraid to show off her true self.

Parker wants to be an actress when she finishes high school and would like to go to audition and attend a film school in Los Angeles.

“I don’t see myself doing anything else. I would be bored if I did something else,” she said.