Name: Aliya Guzman
Grade: 11th
5-year plan: Be a senior at (or have graduated from) UCLA
On my playlist: TV Girl, Laufey, The Smiths, The Cure, The Beatles, Her’s, Los Retros, Fleetwood Mac
Favorite book(s): Night Shift, Everyday, all Harry Potter books
Favorite Movie(s): Lego Batman, Corpse Bride, Coraline, Whiplash, The Amazing Spider Man, Stand By Me, Get Out
Pet Peeve: Loud/repeated noises, people in front walking slow
Hobbies/Interests: Crocheting, playing the uke, baking, cooking, making jewelry
School activities: Isle File, Band, Mock Trial, ASB, Aca Deca, Tennis, Track & Field, EAOP
Where I get my news: VC Star, CNN, The Isle File, LA Times