Toll of the Pandemic

The worst time in my life

This pandemic has taken a really big toll on my life, mentally and physically. During the beginning of the pandemic, the city was like a ghost town during quarantine. Schools were turning to online learning and it really affected me, and I didn’t really take it seriously. I would tend to procrastinate and not do homework and took a downfall on my points to graduate. Now I have to take extra classes and pass them to graduate. 

It affected my family a lot. My dad got COVID and it was really concerning for the family because he’s 60 years old. Luckily, it wasn’t severe and he’s doing fine now. But my grandma passed away from COVID and that took a big toll on me and my family mentally because she was very loved by everyone. I wasn’t able to attend her funeral because I also had COVID, and just being alone in my room knowing I wasn’t able to be there when my grandma passed really messed up my mental health. I stopped doing homework and I didn’t feel like joining football, so it was rough. 

I’d have to say that COVID and quarantine were probably the worst times in my life, but I’m happy now seeing my family and friends together. We always cherish the moments we have. Hopefully this upcoming year, there’s better things to come and I hope this virus will be over soon so fewer people lose their loved ones.