Club Name: MESA

Advisor: David Corona and Sarrah Mutuku

Names/ Titles of Officers:

Co-Presidents: Anthony Farfan and Evelyn Bermudez

Vice President: Lizbeth Lopez

Treasurer Melocris Sabilla

Publicisit: Jasmine Escobedo

Meeting and Time and Place: Every Thursday in room 37

Club Mission or Purpose:

“To help under-served and underrepresented students achieve success in STEM studies and careers,” They want to expose students to STEM and also give the, the resources to not only graduate high school but also attend a college of their choice.

Club Activities/Trips/ Fundraisers

Club Activities: They build a variety of projects such as gliders or cement disks. They then attend a competition at UCSB where their projects are put to the test to see if they’re able to withstand the various challenges the items are put through.

Trips: They got to UCSB for their competition and USC every year.

Fundraisers: They sell at raiderfest every year.