Tribute to Rosa Parks

In honor of Black History Month, I want to give a tribute to Rosa Parks, also known as “The Mother of the Day Civil Rights Movement.” Parks refused to give up her seat to a white passenger on Dec. 1, 1955, when the bus driver ordered her. Although there were many African Americans that had previously refused to give up their seats, it was Rosa Parks who sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

In her act of defiance, Parks proved that it is possible for a human being to make a stand against something that is not right. For the courage she showed when refusing to give up her seat in the bus, she has become one of the most important figures in history. Although the action she took may seem not that huge, her stand helped stop an unjust law from continuing to exist.

Rosa Parks saw something that was wrong with society and instead of allowing it to continue, and ignore it, she instead decided to do something about it. Parks sets the example to not be afraid of making a change in our community. If you see something that is not correct or goes against any law, you should stop it. Parks wasn’t afraid to speak up what she believed was wrong, and thanks to her bravery, we were able to remove segregation, that separated blacks, from whites.

Indeed Rosa Parks was a brave, confident woman who fought for her rights and the rights of millions of African Americans who had to go through segregation. For this reason she is highly admired by everyone and will always be remembered.