Griselda Ibarra, Staff Writer
Full Name: Griselda Ibarra
Grade: 12
Plans after High School: Attend Oxnard College then transfer to a university
Where I get my News: I get my news from Fox 11 and CNN News.
On my iPod: My iPod is filled with Eminem, J.Cole and Beyoncé songs.
Favorite Book(s): My all-time favorite since I was a little kid would have to be Junie B. Jones series.
Favorite Movie(s): White Chicks, Elf, Sandlot, Perfect Game, 42
Activities: In my free time I love to play speed and just play volleyball in my front yard.
Hobbies/Interest: volleyball, baseball, softball
What most people don’t know about me: I like to eat bagels with Nutella…YUMMY!
Words to live by: “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game” – Babe Ruth