A Look Back at a Year of News
Malaysia Airlines (March 2014)
On March of 2014, Flight 370 vanished during a routine flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. Flight 370 was carrying 239 passengers and crew. The flight was over the South China Sea when it disappeared from air traffic control’s radar. Search for the missing plane began in the Gulf of Thailand and extended to the Andaman Sea. There has been speculation about the disappearance due to the lack of flight debris. Search continues to find Flight 370.
Ebola Epidemic (May, September 2014)
Ebola is an extremely infections, however not contagious, virus. Starting off with minor cases in Guinea, there was an ebola outbreak. The outbreak affected multiple countries in West Africa and killed 5000 along the way. The first cases of the disease in America was on September 2014 at Texas Presbyterian Hospital. Thomas Eric Duncan was the first to die in America due to ebola. In May of 2015, The World Health Organization declared an end to the outbreak in Liberia.
ISIS (June 2014)
A terrorist group calling themselves the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (or ISIS) captured territory and killed thousands. The goal for ISIS is to create an Islamic state and gain power in parts of Syria. ISIS posted vulgar videos online of beheadings including two American journalists. ISIS began as a part of al Quada before branching off. ISIS shares aspects of Bin Laden’s al Queda, however to a brutally extreme level. ISIS has seized and controlled more parts of Iraq and Syria than al Qaeda.
Ferguson (August 2014)
Racial tension builds up after the death of Michael Brown. The unarmed teen was shot to death by officer Darren Wilson. Protesters and police clashed. Brown’s death prompted protests that lasted for weeks. Protesters took to the streets causing vandalism and looting, resulting in various arrests. On November 24, the grand jury decided not to indict Officer Wilson, causing violence to escalate once again.
Robin Williams Death (August 2014)
At the age of 63, legendary comedian Robin Williams committed suicide. He had battled with depression and addiction throughout his life. It was revealed he was in the early stages of Parkinson’s disease. The well loved comedian was found dead in his California home.
Nepal Earthquake (April 2015)
Nepal had a 7.8 magnitude earthquake that killed more than 8,000 people and injured over 23,000. The earthquake was followed by various aftershocks. The United Nations is helping to aid rescue efforts. The earthquake also triggered an avalanche on Mt. Everest that killed 19. Thousands of homes were destroyed due to the natural disaster. UNICEF helped distribute water, shelters, hygiene kits, and buckets. Various organizations provided their support as well.
Baltimore (April 2015)
On April 12, 2015. Freddie Gray died while in the custody of police due to a spinal cord injury. Gray’s death resulted in civil unrest and protests. Demonstrators made their way to police stations to protest. After Gray’s funeral, civil disorder heightened with looting and and burning of establishments. Due to the events, a curfew was set in place until circumstances died down. On May 2015, prosecutors filed charges against the six officers involved in Grey’s death.
Texas Flooding (May 2015)
Heavy rain fell in Texas causing a flood. 22 people have died as a result. Overflowing rains set the record for wettest month in the state of Texas. 37.3 trillion gallons of water have fallen in May. Good news relieved many when meteorologists said a drying pattern is to be expected. President Obama signed a disaster declaration for Texas, which makes federal funding available for individuals who have been affected by the floods.
Caitlyn Jenner Debut (June 2015)
After publicly coming out as transgender, formerly known Bruce Jenner is now Caitlyn Jenner. The former olympian explained that her reveal signified the end of her long kept secret. Jenner has contributed to awareness in the transgender community.