Back to school horoscopes
Libra (9/23-10/22) You will hear major news this month, but maybe not the best kind. Prepare yourself for something you don’t want to hear. Scorpio (10/23–11/21) Whatever it is you’re procrastinating on, go do it. Right now. This is your sign.
Sagittarius (11/22–12/21) Avoid conflict and let events take their course. Invest your time doing a positive activity.
Capricorn (12/22–1/19) This month you will have the opportunity to show off a skill. Have confidence in yourself and accomplish your goals.
Aquarius (1/20–2/18) Don’t waste any more time on something you have been wanting to do for a while. Take initiative and get things done. You will end up with a grand prize.
Pisces (2/19–3/20) You will have a very stressful month, Pisces. When given the opportunity, treat yourself.
Aries (3/21–4/19) Keep away from any negativity. Surround yourself with positive things and you shall receive a good outcome.
Taurus (4/20–5/20) You will receive money this month. Use it responsibly or else you will come across financial instability.
Gemini (5/2–6/21) Do not avoid your anger. Allow your emotions to run their course instead of suppressing your feelings.
Cancer (6/22–7/22) Although you are known for your self-expression, do not put your thoughts out in the open or you will find yourself in an uncomfortable situation.
Leo (7/23–8/22) Try something new this month, Leo. You will find comfort in a fresh environment.
Virgo (8/23–9/22) A friend will betray you, Virgo! Watch your back or a friendship could be lost.