Q & A with a Senior: David Figueroa
What branch of the Military will you be attending ? Why this branch and not the others?
I will be attending the United States Marine Corps. I chose this branch because I wanted to challenge myself physically and mentally also because of the benefits it had to offer.
What made you want to go the Military way?
The thing that made me go the Military way is I want to experience some adventure in my life and I want to have fun enjoying it. I know it’s going to be physically and mentally challenging, but I’m going to make sure I pull through.
What will you be doing in the military?
In the Marine Corps I’m going to be a mechanic, fixing and transporting cargo trucks and other armory.
What advice would you give your freshman self?
The advice I would give my freshman year self is to be careful who you hang out with. There are many two-sided people and not to stress yourself over stuff you can’t control because in the end you’ll be just fine.
Were there any other options for you besides the military?
Yes, it was either going to college or working full time to save money for future finances. I decided to go to the Marine Corps because they are going to pay for it while I might be doing something I love while taking college classes.
What was your most memorable moment as a Raider?
The most memorable moment as a Raider is when I would hang out with my friends and have a good time during school hours. Also, when it came to some of the events the school had to offer, they were always lots of fun.