Ask Raider Sam

Change of heart causes problems

Dear Raider Sam,

Recently I have been dealing with having feelings for someone I turned down years ago. Now he wants nothing to do with me, but I can’t get him off my mind. Should I pursue him and apologize for the past or should I let it go and get over him?

Sincerely, Regretful

Dear Regretful,

Sometimes it’s best to leave the past in the past. But in this case, if you really cannot get him off your mind, maybe you should try to pursue him and fix things. Maybe a few years ago wasn’t the right time for you two. And who knows maybe this time you two will meet up and it’ll be the right time and things will work out. It never hurts to try.

Dear Raider Sam,

My ex-friend moved from HHS to CIHS this year, and I have seen her around campus, but we haven’t made any interaction. Deep down I want to say “hi,” but I just can’t because we haven’t talked for three years. We were best friends since kinder and never saw each other after junior high. Should I start talking to her again, or should I move on and go our separate ways?

Sincerely, Awkward Junior

Dear Awkward Junior,

If it’s been three years since you’ve spoken with this friend, maybe things will be different now, and — who knows? — maybe she’s forgotten about the past and is ready to be friends again. I say you go out and approach her and try to start fresh.

Dear Raider Sam,

My ex and I were very happy together before summer came along. He would tell me all these cute things and then one day it was like he was a totally different person. Why would boys rather be with different girls instead of only one that has had his back through everything? And even more when summer arrives? I honestly don’t get it.

Sincerely,Confused Senior

Dear Confused Senior,

Sometimes things come up in a relationship, whether it would be for the good of things or for the worst of things. Especially in high school, sometimes a guy isn’t ready for a relationship and sometimes feelings change. It might have seemed like everything happened in the blink of an eye, but you shouldn’t worry. It’s high school; it’s supposed to be the best years of your life. Especially because it’s your senior year, you should be able to enjoy it and be happy, don’t worry.